Project's Official Language




Generation Gap - English



Generational gap

Grandma dialogue with grandson:

  • Have you done your homework today?
  • Yes, I wrote a story.
  • Let me see it.
  • I already turned off my computer.
  • Computer? But where is your homework, I want to read your story.
  • The homework is in the computer, pops.
  • Really? You see it in the computer? How will the teacher read it?
  • I upload it to cloud and the teacher can see it.
  • Could??? (checks the sky) You know before computer I used to write my homework pencil on paper.
  • We do that too, but we also learn how to use computers.
  • Your mother says she reads the news on the computer, I always have the newspaper for reading the news. Where is your mother? She should be back from work by now. I will call her.
  • I can text her.
  • Text? Text is words on paper, like a book, I do not understand.
  • I mean I will send her a text message with my phone.
  • Oh, I understand, but I can call it will be easier.
  • No, texting is easier, you don’t need to call.
  • How is it easier to write in phone than to call?
  • Well, is she is busy she will not pick up the phone. Maybe she is driving home. And if I text, she can reply when she is able. It is quicker to text.
  • I think it is quicker to call, you just dial the number and speak!
  • No pops there is no reason to call, it is not something urgent.
  • But calling is very convenient! When I was a kid, we did not have phones, I was not able to know where my mother is when she was running late.
  • So, what did you do if you was sick and couldn’t go to school? Your mom could not call the teacher? How did they know what happened to you?
  • Well, they didn’t know, I would only tell them when I was back to school. Do you know how we used to learn in school? We did not have computers; we would share books and find everything in books.
  • How did you know which book had answers to your questions? If I thought to myself “how many countries there are in Africa” I will google it and it will show me the answer.
  • From the covers of the book, we knew what it was about. I can take a map and count the countries, that is how I know! Sometimes we would not know answers to questions that we had, we could not search the internet, so we went to other people to ask questions.
  • How did they know the answers?
  • People have knowledge of different things, some of them read books, some had life experiences, I would go to my parents, if they did not know the answer, I would ask my uncle, if he didn‘t know, I would ask our neighbour. I was even getting different answers from different people.
  • How did you know what was the truth?
  • Sometimes I did not know, I would trust the most believable one, or the most interesting one.
  • But now we find true information on the internet, unless it is written by trolls.
  • Trolls? I was doubting if they are real! And they write on the internet?